Monday, December 3, 2007

Republican CNN U-Tube Debates

So , some guy shoves a Bible in the cameras lens and says, all I really need to know about any of you is what you think of this book, THIS BOOK? What dumb ass question, and of course the dumber asses running for president answered. A few hemed and hawed, pushing for the allegorical vrs the literal interperatation, One claims he reads it everyday. Whatever.

This is stupid!
Wanna know a real question, shove the Constitution in their face and say what do you think of this document. After all when you are sworn in, you will swear to defend the constitution, not the stupid Bible. I wanna know what are your ideas concerning the role of government to individual freedoms, what are the limits of presidential power, what do you think of equal rights for all citizens, are those rights only political or are they educational, economic, do you believe in equal access to opportunity.!!!

An answer to any of these would inform an intelligent voter about your philosophy of government, far more than your personal feelings on a not universally believed ancient scripture.

How would I have answered?
I would have said yes, i have read it, also the Koran and the Upanishads, and a few other so-called revelatory texts and I have found some wisdom in them, but, I do not think they are the handiwork of divine authorship. However I think Tom Paines "Common Sense" The Preamble to the Constitution. maybe some biograpys of the founding fathers may be more helpful to a president than a Bible. We are electing a secular president not the pope. He is elected to protect my mortal ass not my so-called celestial destination.

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