Thursday, December 27, 2007

O" Great Pheasant Hunter

So his royal stupidness Mike Chuckleberry has become the latest encarnation of Elmer Fudd, the great Wabbit hunter.
Hucklbee, wearing what can only be called tractor pull chic, blasted three pheasants in a farmers field in Iowa. Of course there is no way of knowing if the pheasant were planted, as per the Eisenhower Trout Fishing Extravaganzas of the 50s.
Agog television reporters tagging along, recorded the new LEADING REPUBLICAN PARTY THINKER, saying, see (pointing at the dead birds) what happens if you do not vote for me.
Does anyone else find it the least bit disturbing that a person running for president, even in jest, suggests that those who vote against him be shot.
Where the hell are we Iowa or Pakistan.
Or in the New World Order, does it matter.
Oh Lord, Dick the Cheney must be resting well in his hidden bunker under the Reichstag, ooops his office in the White House.
You do realize the extinction of the species Homo sapiens is not going to be caused by fire or flood or invisible non-existant gods, but by stupidity. MASS STUPIDITY!
yes they are all idiots but are not we all.

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